Like the firefly and the June Bug
Summer was living for love
The June Bug in the low grounds
The firefly twinkling above
She danced in the treetops
And lit up the meadows
He watched as she flittered
Through moonbeams and shadows
He pined and he sighed
With heartache abounding
He knew that lovely firefly
Would never be grounding
He climbed up the fir tree
So he could still see her
She glittered and flittered
till the night was on fire
He had seen something in her
That shimmered and shone
Like rubies and diamonds
Like some precious stone
But she wondered why
He had never approached her
When clearly he noticed
All things about her
So she danced in the low branch
He, her only audience
She lit on a cattail
He sat on the garden fence
Before the night was done
She knew he was the one
She had waited on a cedar branch
Till her June Bug had finally come
Their one night seemed like a thousand
Their love was now forever
The firefly and the June Bug
Will always be together